$ 28.00
In the Bible the number 17 symbolizes "overcoming the enemy" and "complete victory." This was one of the reasons "17" was added to SWAG "Start With Asking God"
$ 24.00
Being "Bold" is about allowing God to "Unleash your Faith" so that it has a radical influence on those around you.
$ 24.00
The more we invest in our relationship with Christ, the more readily we will respond in love. All that we do is a reflection of Him who dwells in us. ...
$ 24.00
To learn what Love is you must first learn what Love is not. Without love, faith is hollow and good deeds are without satisfaction or reward.
$ 24.00
“Because God has made us for Himself, our hearts are restless until they rest in Him.” ― Augustine of Hippo
$ 24.00
Eagle symbol of the famed coin "Shekel of Tyre" from 1 A.D. This is considered one of the most popular coins in the Bible. Judas was given 30 Shekels of silver...